Bubbles Baby Blanket


Good morning my dear crochet girls, how are you today, how are you feeling? I hope you are well, because today I come to bring you a beautiful crochet pattern, a blanket with a beautiful stitch and very easy to be crocheted.

As you all know, I am a committed crochet hook, I love crochet, I love talking to you about crochet and all the other things that crochet does in our lives.

Today I’m going to address a subject with you that crochet helped me a lot, I went through a very troubled phase in my life, a challenging phase in fact, I was always a very excited and motivated woman with life, but during a period of mine financial area has been difficult, very far from what I would like it to be, with that came the depression, I’m sure that if you didn’t pass, you’ve already met someone who has or is going through it; and that’s when I got to know crochet. 

Girls, crochet then came and changed my life, I came from a hectic routine, full of appointments with scheduled times, a truly packed getaway, it was quite a phase, very troubled, until suddenly everything happened and I came across in bed, I sought help from a professional and they indicated occupational therapy to me, and a beautiful girl attended to me and introduced me to crochet in a simple, good and pleasant way, so I want to tell all of you that my life has changed radically, I have not I had more time for nothing, I saw myself crochet at home and the treatment was long, however, I learned a lot about crochet, but I learned even more about myself.

Access The Free Pattern / Bubbles Baby Blanket

And today the message I want to leave you with is the following, however challenging the moment you are going through, crochet can help you, because crochet is truly a therapy and has helped me a lot. And with it you will have several ways to express your feelings, because our creativity is expressed through our actions, and in crochet work your well identified brand appears, so, dare, activate your creativity, this will help you a lot in your projects, I’m sure your projects will be sensational, extraordinary. With crochet you will unlock many habits, your crochet projects will be much more productive, leaving unique and exclusive pieces.

I wish you an excellent week, full of good energy, peace, prosperity and especially many crochet projects!

Are you enjoying? Also check out these free patterns: 


⇒ Rainbow Dash Baby Blanket 
