Rainbow Bobble Heart Square


Good night my crochet darlings, today I come to bring you a crochet pattern novelty, a crochet novelty for children, yes, a pattern of unicorn squares, the new fever of children.

As you know I have a real love for crochet, and with each new project I get even more excited, this pattern in particular is very cute and fun to make, the colors are just suggestions, but I thought it looked very childish, the that will make it easier for those who will give or even sell a project like this.

The step by step is very complete, you will have an easy time doing it, the squares are crocheted separately and then joined together, which will facilitate your handling as the project ends, becoming lighter and easier. 


For those who sell crochet, this project is ideal, as unicorns are very fashionable, their customers will like it a lot, I like to tell professional crochet artists, who always try to innovate in their work, because who seeks for handicrafts, seeks exclusivity , and with crochet we have the facility to innovate, and to create new ways of crocheting every day, making our pieces more and more differentiated, colorful, elegant and modern, so you who are professional in the area, dare, throw yourself into this creative energy that is crochet, I am sure that your projects will be sought after each day more and more.

I also like to motivate them to innovate in colors, sometimes we just stay in the traditional and our clients look for more modern, bolder pieces, something that really catches the eye. Try to find out from your customers what they like most in their pieces, whether they are classic designs or the most daring.

Access The Free Pattern / Rainbow Bobble Heart Square

The artesanto segment has been growing steadily, as each season new standards emerge, each time more modern and differentiated, so you have to position yourself firmly in this market, so that your pieces stand out in an increasing and constant way. And this project that I am putting here on the blog today, comes in contact with all that I am talking about, because unicorns are what is modern at the present time. Take the opportunity to expand your project models, and throw yourself into this new and modern vibe, I’m sure that in addition to crochet you will have fun, and that’s the best part, allow yourself.

I wish you all an excellent week, full of good energy, peace, prosperity and especially many crochet patterns!

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