Take Flight Butterfly – Panel Quilt


Hello my loves! What a pleasure to meet you here once again. He was very happy to be able to share new patterns with you. Nowadays we have this facility, we keep in touch even if we live far away and without having to meet. I remember the time when I would go to stores to learn a new pattern. I must say that now it’s much simpler for us to publicize and show everything we do. The Take Flight Butterfly Quilt was a pattern I learned here on the internet and I liked the result so much that I had to come and show you. 

Hello my loves! What a pleasure to meet you here once again. He was very happy to be able to share new patterns with you. Nowadays we have this facility, we keep in touch even if we live far away and without having to meet. I remember the time when I would go to stores to learn a new pattern. I must say that now it’s much simpler for us to publicize and show everything we do. The Take Flight Butterfly Quilt was a pattern I learned here on the internet and I liked the result so much that I had to come and show you. 

In the beginning we always look for tips and tricks to make our piece even more beautiful and understand the step by step. With practice, we create a routine and it is essential not to go through the same tips. Are you like that too? Do you already have steps that are essential when starting and during quilting? I always pre-wash the fabrics when I bring them home from the store. The first reason is that the fabric will shrink. 

Image / Pattern / Tutorial: My Favorite Quilt Store

Some quilters like to use their fabrics right away without pre-washing because when they wash the finished quilt, the fabric shrinks and gives that beautiful “quilt crinkle” texture. You may or may not want this to happen. Fabrics can release excess dyes that are not what you want when you spend 40+ hours creating a beautiful quilt. This tip especially rings true for those who are just starting. It may take you a little longer to cut your pieces, but you will be happy when you’ve cut everything at the right size the first time.

On the first few quilts I checked about five times, a bit over the top. Now twice is enough for me. Ready to get started? Come check out the take flight butterfly quilt pattern, it’s available at My Favorite Quilt Store. See the pattern, separate the materials and only then start quilting. And don’t forget to tell us what you think, if you have any suggestions. Come quilt with us!