Weave Star Block


One more idea to enhance your environment

Good morning my dear crafts friends, how are you on this beautiful day? I hope you are doing great and are well rested. Ready to start this week full of energy and joy. I am very happy to have you here, with me for one more project. 

Many Crafts Options and Ideas

I always like to remember how important it is to have a community where we can exchange ideas and what troubles us. Sometimes, inspiration does not come easily, for that, it is amazing having people to talk about it. When we are stuck with a pattern or without any ideas, that is why we keep this blog. 

If you are new to our blog and are not very familiar, I suggest you browse around our blog. Check the ideas we store here. We try to keep the ideas always fresh. This is an effort to make it easier for you to find what is trending in the crochet and the quilting world.

So, if you do not like the pattern we present to you here, that is not a problem. I am sure you will find what you are looking for just after a few minutes browsing around.

Also, that is one of the reasons we always ask you what you want to see here. Interacting is an important part of our space. Because it allows us to connect with you guys, being more assertive when bringing what you want and need.

Magic of the stars

For today, we have for you a weave star block, this pattern is very beautiful and special. Stars have something magical about them, and this pattern has the power to enhance and make your room even more beautiful, you should definitely give this a try.

Where to find the stars

Go to Deshilachado, you will find a carefully made tutorial. With graphics and pictures guiding you step-by-step, I have no doubts it will help through the sewing process. Tell me the result, you know I love to hear how your crafts are going. See you guys in our next project, bye-bye!