3 Hour Afghan


Good morning girls, it’s always a pleasure to write a little about this hobby of mine, which is crochet, today especially in the midst of this pandemic, we have to be distracted by quality crafts, and crochet is one of the best.

I always like to emphasize here that crochet is not only a craft for housewives, crochet has been gaining the market in several ways, such as entrepreneurship, occupational therapy and also a wonderful leisure, as it helps to develop our motor and creative capacity.

I have declared here on the blog the importance of the participation of all of you, because it is through your comments and shares that I can identify the type of crochet work that you like the most, so be sure to share with me your wishes for crochet projects , because I’m always looking for news, and each detail you give me is more selective the content of the crochet patterns.

Today’s pattern is a classic crochet blanket, perfect to be crocheted for the gift of someone, as the colors are neutral, which can be attributed to either man or woman, always making it clear that you can change colors as your taste.

The crochet blanket is a classic piece to have, every crochet girl must do at least one, once in her life, because it is a little longer work and makes us more experienced as crochet girls.

This pattern is a true classic in white and gray, the step by step explains how to do it in a simple way, you will have no difficulty doing it.

Access The Free Pattern / 3 Hour Afghan

It is also an excellent piece to sell, we know that in this time of pandemic many people have been without their jobs and are looking for a new activity to complement their income or even be the only income, and the crafts of crochet yarn is very profitable, because as it is a unique piece the work becomes of great value for those who want it.

Crochet is a very delicate and highly creative craft, because with each project we develop new skills and techniques, for you who are starting this project it is wonderful, because you will have no difficulty in crocheting it. Always remembering that what is most worth in the art of crochet is the creativity of the artisan, so dare a lot in your crochets, both as a gift and to sell, the more different and creative your pieces are, the greater the challenge of crochet.

Are you enjoying? Also check out these free patterns:




I wish you all an excellent week, full of joy, peace and prosperity, be sure to leave your suggestion in the comments, your opinion is of great value to me.