Good morning my dear crochet girls, how are you feeling this morning? I truly hope that all of you are doing very well. It is with great affection and respect for all of you that today I bring you another wonderful pattern of this crochet yarn craft.

As you already know, I’m passionate about crochet, and I’m always looking for new things to bring here on the blog. Today I will post here a very delicate and easy to do pattern, something that any beginner will find it easy to exercise.

I like to make it very clear here on the blog, that we have articles of different levels of difficulty, so you can choose what you like best. This pattern is considered a beginner level, so I think that all of you could do it. 

Access The Free Pattern / GRANNY STRIPE STITCH

Today’s point is very classic, you can crochet blankets, blankets, or even bars of tea towels or napkins, everything will depend on your taste, and on your creativity on the day of doing this step by step.

I want to tell everyone who is starting in this craft that the recurrence in this activity is what makes us the best crochet artist every day, so don’t get discouraged in your first project. Always choose for a first project something simpler and that you can manage to finish it. This is very important so that you don’t give up.  

The art of crochet is an age-old practice, learned from generation to generation, which nowadays has stood out through architecture, interior designer and environment decorators themselves, because as exclusive pieces they become very valuable and attractive to decorate so much commercial locations, as well as residential ones, will depend on the particular choice of each one.

You all already know that I am very happy crocheting, so I wish everyone to be happy with me, and I can never leave crochet out of this one. Crochet has also entered people’s daily lives through occupational therapy, which helps people with motor coordination, improving recent memory and preventing alzheimer’s. There are already scientific studies that prove the effectiveness of this wonderful therapy. Beforehand, I am very happy to be able to collaborate in some way also for this cause.

However, I want to wish you all an excellent week, full of good energy, lots of happiness, peace and prosperity, and especially many crochet projects.

If you liked this step by step and would like to know more about crochet, access other patterns below:

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